Look After Your Car Post Covid Regulations

Since the pandemic, many people have had to use their cars much less, many have even decided to give up their vehicles! However, for those who are going back to the office after the new year, following the lift of restrictions on working from home, and all the other covid regulations, you may find your car a little worse for wear from lack of use. Before getting back in the full swing of things, be sure to show your vehicle some attention to avoid any mishaps on the road or running late for work due to an unexpected issue!

Fill up your tank

The biggest mistake of being an adult is thinking it will be fine to get petrol on your way to work. It never happens, you are always late, or the queue is always too long, or you simply forget. Get up and go to the petrol station on the weekend and get that tank full. Not only will it save you time, but by keeping your tank full, you prevent condensation build-up which can affect a car’s performance – even rusting! Thankfully, it won’t have been too long since you were last on the roads compared to the first lockdown, so let’s hope you have no underlying rusting issues.

Release the handbrake

Only if your car is entirely secure and on an even surface! Handbrakes can become jammed if left in the locking position and can be pricey to get fixed. You can use a wheel chock to stop the car from rolling away – however, the most full-proof tactic is probably to turn the car on every few days, get that battery going, and release the handbrake for a few minutes.

Turn the car on

As we touched on in our previous point, you should be turning your car on every few days. Letting the car sit idle keeps your battery topped up, and less likely to die on you next time you go out. It’s also an idea to turn on the air conditioning to prevent moisture build-up, which can lead to mould and mildew, internal freezing, and steam.

Check your tyres

Car tyres can deflate a little if left unused which can be dangerous for all road users. So, keep them checked, pumped up and at the right pressure. By moving your vehicle up and down the driveway, you can reduce the chance of flat spots from appearing or slow punctures.

Clean your car

This is probably the best way to know whether your car needs any extra TLC. By giving it a good clean, you can check the tires, turn it on and do all the little bits you might otherwise look over. By keeping it clean and fresh, you prevent the build of grime, dust and rust. It also means that you will have a nice clean car for when you head into work, leaving you in a good mindset – one less thing to stress about!