Numberplates To Help Charity

AN entreprenuer aims to help a four-year-old disabled girl by auctioning three exclusive number plates.

Dave Bonner, whose business Bon Voyager is in Padgate, bought the plates from the DVLA and now plans to help Suranna Gleeson, who suffers cerebral palsy diplegia, a condition that causes muscle spasms.

Her parents, Mark and Kerry, both aged 31, are currently attempting to raise £50,000 so she can undergo pioneering surgery in the United States.

Dave, aged 48, said: “All proceeds from the sale of the plates will go towards helping Suranna have this operation. Her story really pulled at my heartstrings.”

The plates are AP05HEY, whichs reads as ‘a poshey’, MC11 FAC, a reference to Manchester City’s first cup win in 35 years, and RE0 8ABE, which is a tribute to Manchester United’s Rio Ferdinand.

Suranna cannot walk unaided but the operation, which is not available in the UK, would eventually allow her to do so.

Mark and Kerry are working hard to ensure Suranna can get the treatment she needs.

Kerry, who works for telecommunications company TalkTalk, in Birchwood, said: “Suranna can’t walk without the use of her walker and she has to wear splints. When she doesn’t have her walker her only means of mobility is to crawl.

“This operation would give her a better chance in life so she can do exactly what her peers do.”

The procedure, called selective dorsal rhizotomy, would be carried out at St Louis Children’s Hospital, in Missouri.

It works by cutting the nerve endings away from the spine, which allows those that do work to become more effective so the patient may eventually straighten their legs and attempt to walk.

Kerry’s colleague Laura Jones, aged 23, of Longford Street, Orford, has been busy helping the couple, who live in Liverpool, come up with fundraising ideas and they have raised £4,000 since May.

These include a ladies night on August 6 from 7.30pm at Tetley Walkers Club, on Long Lane, that will offer a buffet, bingo, entertainment, stalls and a raffle for £10 a ticket.

For further information visit To contact Dave about the plates e-mail