Classic Number Plate FMVA Changes

The introduction of a classic vehicle-friendly measure announced by Finance Minister Tonio Fenech during the budget speech has been welcomed by the Federazzjoni Maltija Vetturi Antiki (FMVA).

The FMVA said in a statement it appreciated that after intensive lobbying, the authorities finally accepted to further reduce the burden on owners of classic vehicles, by introducing a scheme whereby owners could use just one number plate for more than one certified classic vehicle.

The federation, however, said it would like to study the full impact of this measure and how it would be implemented, before giving its final opinion.

It said that as part of its research leading to discussions with the authorities, the FMVA had also carried out discussions with Malta’s leading insurers of classic vehicles to ensure that such a measure would be acceptable from their point of view.

It had also prepared detailed workings on how the scheme could be beneficial to both the government as well as enthusiasts who would otherwise have left some vehicles garaged rather than paying for a yearly road license.