Greenways Car Registrations

You may have noticed them during your travels around town, cars with Connecticut license plates supporting the state’s greenways. The plate displays a green road and trees that are intended to raise the awareness about the importance of greenways in Connecticut. But what are greenways and why should the state be advocating them? The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) says that “greenway systems offer an exciting opportunity to reestablish connections between the State’s natural and cultural resource base and its people.”

But Connecticut greenways are more than just a license plate. In my opinion they are a shining example of the state’s successful efforts over the past two decades to acquire and preserve open space land. If you have ever hiked a trail in Connecticut there’s a good chance you were experiencing one of the state’s greenways.

Connecticut’s greenways program was established in 1995 by the General Assembly. Public Act 95-335 created the Connecticut Greenways Council, which has the responsibility of designating greenways around the state. Members of the council are appointed by the Governor and legislative leaders, and most have backgrounds in trail and greenway development.