Personalised Registration Plates Raise Serious Money For Charity

Right now there are more than 170 plates, including one from each of the state’s colleges and nearly 20 that represent the military.  Plus, the plates generate some serious revenue for the state and the various organizations they represent.

“When I see the plate I just think of the times and uh in Vietnam and what we done and you know how that come about,” said Vietnam Veteran John Relford.

Of the $30 you pay for a specialty tag, state colleges like ECU get $15. For every “Save the Sea Turtle” plate $10 goes to the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center.

If applicable, the second line underneath the model license plate will say “$ (amount) is returned to (selected organization)”.

Money from specialized plates is broken down into four categories:  The Natural Heritage Trust Fund for protecting land, The Parks and Recreation Trust Fund for grants to local government, The Collegiate and Cultural Attraction Account, and the Special Registration Plate Account. While other amounts vary, $10 from the sale of every plate is put into this account. It alone contributes about $1-million a year for visitor centers in Camden, Brunswick, Macon, Watauga, Caswell, Carteret, Tyrell, Transylvania, Columbus and McDowell counties —

“The monies go back to the highways for beautification,” said Kay Hatcher, Supervisor of Special Number Plate Unit.