F1NED Number Plate Up For Sale!

A PARKING ticket campaigner is flogging his car and personalised numberplate to raise cash for his High Court fight.

Activist Neil Herron is challenging tickets issued by Sunderland City Council, claiming they were unlawful.


In a case which he says could prove pivotal for drivers, he will argue that hundreds of thousands of parking tickets issued around the UK are unlawful because of flawed regulations.

Having already re-mortgaged his house Mr Herron – who set up his own firm Parking Appeals Ltd – is now putting his own Nissan Navara, which he has had for about three years, up for sale, along with a personalised “F1NED” numberplate.

He hopes to raise £20,000 by flogging the car, which has yellow lines painted down the side in an effort to highlight parking problems. He’ll add the car cash to the £80,000 he says his legal fight has already cost him.