High Security Number Plates Tendered

The State government’s high level committee, appointed to study the implementation of the high security registration plates (HSRPs) in the State has pointed out that the tender process has been vitiated by the government.
The committee has said that additional 48 per cent charge on replacement of new registration plates was added to the tender after it was finalized.
“The footnote (adding extra charge on replacement) appears to have been recorded after opening of the financial bid and is signed by the representative of the company and not endorsed by committee members appointed by the government,” the report present by the committee on the floor of the house reads.
The committee was of the opinion that the reasonability of number plates should have been considered by the Transport Department before finalizing the contract.
The committee led by Chief Secretary Sanjay Srivastava has also said that the company has also violated Condition 2 (xb) contained in Government of India Notification No 601 by changing the ownership without seeking prior permission of the government.